Welcome to the resources page of Circuit Cove! Below you will find a curated list of resources that will help you deepen your knowledge of circuit design, specifically in the area of SystemVerilog. We may include resources on other circuit design topics in the future, so be sure to check back regularly for updates.

  1. SystemVerilog Tutorial by Doulos - This comprehensive tutorial provides a step-by-step guide to learning SystemVerilog. It covers everything from the basics of the language to advanced concepts such as verification methodologies and functional coverage.
  2. Verification Academy - This website provides a wealth of resources on functional verification, including video tutorials, webinars, and technical papers. You can find a variety of resources on SystemVerilog, as well as other verification languages and methodologies.
  3. SystemVerilog for Verification: A Guide to Learning the Testbench Language Features, Third Edition - This book is an excellent resource for anyone looking to learn SystemVerilog for verification purposes. It provides a clear, concise guide to the language and its features, and includes a number of practical examples and exercises.
  4. SystemVerilog Assertions and Functional Coverage: Guide to Language, Methodology and Applications - This book focuses specifically on SystemVerilog assertions and functional coverage, two important aspects of verification. It provides a detailed guide to the language and its applications, and includes numerous examples and case studies.
  5. Verilog to Routing (VTR) - VTR is an open-source software tool suite that can be used for FPGA architecture and CAD research. It includes a number of tools for circuit design, including Verilog-to-Routing (VTR), which is a framework for FPGA CAD research that can be used to generate bitstreams from Verilog designs.
  6. OpenROAD - OpenROAD is an open-source, RTL-to-GDSII flow that aims to enable automated, fast, and predictable design of digital systems. It includes tools for synthesis, placement, routing, and optimization, and is compatible with several popular design languages, including SystemVerilog.

We hope that you find these resources helpful in your journey to mastering SystemVerilog and circuit design. Happy learning!