Exploring SystemVerilog Queues: A Comprehensive Guide

SystemVerilog is a robust hardware description and verification language that enables designers to develop and examine digital systems. One of the critical data structures available in SystemVerilog is the queue. In this guide, we'll cover the fundamentals of queues in SystemVerilog, learn about their operators and methods, discuss real-world applications, and examine some practical examples.

Understanding Queues in SystemVerilog

Defining Queues

A queue in SystemVerilog is a dynamic, ordered set of homogeneous elements that allow quick access, insertion, and deletion. To define a queue, we apply the same syntax as unpacked arrays, but replace the array size with $. Here's a straightforward example of defining a queue of integers:

int queueExample[$];

Initializing Queues

You can initialize queues using assignment patterns or unpacked array concatenations. For instance, this is how to initialize a queue with some integer values:

int queueExample[$] = {7, 14, 21};

Queue Operations

SystemVerilog queues provide various operators to access and modify their elements.

Element Access

You can access elements in a queue using the indexing operator, as shown below:

int firstElem = queueExample[0];
int lastElem = queueExample[$];

Queue Slicing

Queues also support slicing, which enables you to generate a new queue from a range of elements within the original queue:

int sliceExample[] = queueExample[1:2];

Comparing Queues

You can use equality operators to compare two queues:

if (queueOne == queueTwo) begin
    // Queues are equal

Built-in Queue Methods

Alongside operators, SystemVerilog queues provide various built-in methods to manage their elements.


The size() method determines the number of elements in a queue:

int queueLength = queueExample.size();


The insert() method adds a specified element at a particular index within the queue:

queueExample.insert(1, 28);


The delete() method can either remove all elements in a queue or eliminate an element at a specific index:

queueExample.delete(); // Removes all elements
queueExample.delete(2); // Removes the element at index 2


The pop_front() method extracts and returns the first element of the queue:

int firstElem = queueExample.pop_front();


The pop_back() method extracts and returns the last element of the queue:

int lastElem = queueExample.pop_back();


The push_front() method adds a specified element to the beginning of the queue:



The push_back() method adds a specified element to the end of the queue:


Managing Queue References

It is essential to understand how queue element references can be affected by various operations while working with SystemVerilog queues.

Persistent References

A reference to a queue element remains valid as long as the element is not removed or the entire queue is not replaced.

Outdated References

Some queue operations, like assignment or using methods like delete(), pop_front(), and pop_back(), may cause references to become outdated, and using them could result in unpredictable behavior. Therefore, it's crucial to ensure that you're working with valid references after performing such operations.

Real-World Examples and Applications of Queues in SystemVerilog

Queues are versatile and can be applied in numerous SystemVerilog use cases. Some common examples include:

Transaction buffers

Queues can be used to store and manage transactions between modules in a verification environment, allowing you to control the order of transaction execution and maintain a flexible buffer size.

class transaction;
  bit [7:0] data;
  bit valid;

transaction transactionQueue[$] = new[5];

Pipeline modeling

Queues can be employed to model pipeline stages in a design, providing an efficient method for handling data flow within the pipeline and ensuring the correct timing between stages.

// A 5-stage pipeline with 32-bit data
bit [31:0] pipelineQueue[5][$];

always @(posedge clk) begin
  // Input data pushed to the first stage
  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) begin
  // Output data obtained from the last stage
  outputData = pipelineQueue[4].pop_front();

Testcase configuration

In testbench environments, queues can help manage test configurations, enabling you to run various test scenarios by modifying a queue's contents dynamically.

class TestConfig;
  string testName;
  int testId;
  bit isRegression;

TestConfig testQueue[$];

By mastering SystemVerilog queues, you'll be well-equipped to handle various design and verification challenges that require dynamic, ordered data structures. Experiment with the examples provided and apply queues to your unique use cases to make the most of this powerful feature in SystemVerilog.